Mail donations to:
Medjugorje Calls You
Attn: Maggie Shaffer
234 Sand Hill Rd.
Greensburg, PA 15601
If you’d like to make a donation in memory of Allison Jo (Manning) Shipley, please mention it with your enclosed monies and mail to the address above.
We are in the process of setting up online donations capabilities. At this time we prefer checks.

Our recent trip photos –
2023 Christmas meal delivery and gift drop

Teresa is limited as to her abilities to make food, tend a garden and general walking. She receives a” hot meal to go” and some funds were left to pay the electric bill as they use the electricity to heat the house and to cook. This is all in memory of Allison. They express their condolences and thank the family for their generosity.
Stolac Camp – firewood and bags of potatoes were given in Memory of Allison.

Families are in need of firewood to keep warm. 10 meters costs approx. $1,000. Currently 12 families are asking for wood. Each family needs that amount at a minimum but more is needed.
~ Feb 16, 2022
We help the families who have slipped through the cracks, like some of those above. There is no assistance available, and jobs are non-existent. Often there is no one there to help them.
We buy pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, animal food, seeds for planting the garden; and deliver fresh meat to these families.
• Currently we are working with 3 mothers and their children who had to abandon everything in order to keep their children safe… Some mothers have requested that their identity not be made public.
• Some families with special needs children, children who are ill, elderly and disabled people.
• There is a need to take care of widows and their children.
100% of funds raised benefit these families directly. Our board members are completely volunteer; there are no administrative salaries for their time and efforts.
More information to come, as we will post information asap on how to donate online. In addition we continue to learn of individual needs and we will post them as quickly as possible. Time is not afforded in so many of the cases we assist with and we will do our best to be transparent in the telling of their stories and the direct assistance that can be achieved with efficient tools, determination and funding. PLEASE CHECK BACK AGAIN SOON FOR UPDATES.
Medjugorje Calls You is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID # 47-4158367.
The official registration and financial information of Mejugorje Calls You may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.