With the belief that all things are possible through Jesus Christ and the intercession of the blessed mother Mary, Medjugorje Calls You serves the families of Bosnia Herzegovina. We do so with love, compassion and friendship.
With loving hearts and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we provide the necessities for children, words and actions.
Medjugorje Calls You will continue to raise funds to provide the daily necessities for the many children, families and elderly we serve in Medjugorje and surround neighborhoods.
Food, clothing, shoes, medical supplies and school costs are out priorities at this time.
For the children, we encourage them to excel at school. We help them in their studies giving them hope that one day things will be better. Making sure they know, they are special and worth so much more than society tells them.
For our new and struggling mothers, we teach them to care the proper way for their children. We provide diapers, baby food and milk for proper nutrition. We help expectant mothers see the importance of caring for themselves and provide prenatal vitamins.
We will also continue to be there as loving friends both emotionally and spiritually.
It is our hope and our vision to one day secure enough funding and donors enabling us to purchase land. To build modest homes with electricity and running water for families who would otherwise never have the opportunity.
We look forward to helping these families develop lives where they can sustain themselves, support themselves and feel they are contributing to both their families and society.